Papercraft Seeburg LPC model (free download!)


A (free!) DIY papercraft Seeburg LPC-1 to print and assemble yourself.

SKU: 2SB-LPC Category:


A (free!) DIY papercraft Seeburg LPC-1 jukebox to print and assemble yourself.

In Spring 2020, as the quarantine kicked in, we finally (with a lot of help) got our Seeburg LPC-1 jukebox running, which was also the genesis of our project to reproduce jukebox lettering that eventually became Midwest Ephemera. Around the same time, our kid came home from school with an origami piano, and the shape looked very familiar! I mutated it into a mini papercraft LPC and put the whole story and instructions on my motorscooter blog, but figured we might as well list it here, too! If you don’t want to log in/register to “order” it, you can just grab it here. Instructions are included, the first two pages should be printed back-to-back (must be carefully aligned!) and the instructions are on the third page.